Via colori is an awesome chalk event that happens in many cities around the world. They usually are put on to benefit a cause. As GA chalkers we try to travel to neighboring states to participate in chalking events. Via Colori in Elizabethtown, KY Is a great event that supports foster children with New Begginings. Zach and Jessi drove up to participate on September 12, 2015. The theme was super heroes. Jessi’t favorite hero is Thor from the Avengers. They drove up on Friday to set up and got started drawing bright and early on Saturday morning. The organizers are so accommodating and provided nice chalk pastels and breakfast! There were people of all ages and walks of life chalking. There were also artist booths, vendors and funnel cakes! People were dressed as super heroes and in cosplay. Circus performers were walking around on stilts and juggling fire! Here are some highlights:

There were at least 50 artists from all over Kentucky participating.
Zach and JessiĀ got started in the morning. The weather was just a bit chilly. Autumn starts early in Kentucky. See the process. Chris Hemsworth plays a great Thor and looks awesome in chalk!
We also have to give a special thanks to our square sponsor! Without them this event would not have been possible. All proceeds go to support the foster kids.
Everyone did such a great job. It is very neat how everyone uses the chalk in their own way. Some people crush it up and add water to paint it on. Others just draw directly and then add water. And some just use the raw material on pavement. Here are some of our favorites.

Artist recreation of Composition VIII by Kandinsky! This was very impressive. H crushed the chalk and painted it on.