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This year ArtLink Clarksville hosted their very first chalk festival at Liberty Park in Clarksville, TN. I was asked to attend as a featured artist for the Chalk Walk, which was a really exciting first for me. Jessi and I bundled up our new baby, packed the car, and headed up to the Northern edge of Tennesse.

The drive wasn’t too bad and we actually arrived before sunset. We went straight to the venue and took pictures of the location where I’d be chalking and then checked into the hotel. After a restless sleep attending to our cute little baby, we woke up early. Jessi was a rockstar and took the imagery that I had pulled together using inspiration from a T-shirt I saw at the store and created a stretched image ready for chalking. The drawing was going to be a T-Rex coming out of a hole in the ground. The background inside the hole was a forbidden land with volcanoes and jungles. We used the 3D chalk technique that we had learned from conversations with the Chalk Guys and had practiced a few times at home. As long as you have a photo with the area laid out, the image you want to project, and a talented wife to photoshop then you can easily create 3D drawings too.

The piece had a lot to do, but fortunately we had sized it to both fit the space and fit our time. We only had the morning of the event to get it done so that visitors to the festival could enjoy the drawing during the event. Jessi was a huge help in keeping my picture looking good and we reached a stopping point around 2pm that I was happy with and then we helped people pose and have fun with the drawing.

The picture was a hit and everyone had a lot of fun posing. The other artists at the event were also great. There were a lot of talented people at the chalk festival and Jessi. The organizer was really awesome and the festival did a great job. I can’t wait to attend again next year.

Check out ArtLink Clarksville

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ArtLink Clarksville Website
Chalk Walk 2017 Event Page


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